Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bay of Islands

Hi from a caravan park in the beautiful Bay of Islands,
After 2 non-stop days of driving....just kidding! More like 3hrs or so spread out over 2 days because a) we are just a little lazy, b) we got distracted in Albany yesterday...yes, there is a place called Albany here too! haha, and c) Bluey's headlights are one iota above useless, so we can't drive in the dark if we value our lives...hence the elongated journey. But it has been a fairly nice journey so far, Bluey is treating us well, the weather hasn't been too horrible, and the scenery has been amazing (Tahns' mum, you were right, this end was definitely worth a look).

So yesterday was not too eventful after we posted in the morning (we actually spent like over 2hrs in that cafe, those people must have been wondering if we were planning on staying all day), apart from being freaked out by our first toll-way (not sure if thats what they are actually called but thats the best we can do), amazed by the hugest service station ever - it actually had a Burger King, a clothes shop, a cafe, the toll thingy, plus all the normal service station stuff (jeez one or two sizes up from Caltex...we felt like we were in America-that place was ridiculous!), and awakened to the insane driving of these mad Kiwis, who by the way seem to take no notice of speed signs whatsoever, and take any opportunity to whiz by the ole' 1.6L Bluey as he trundles up a hill. But apart from these few eye-openers, just a day of driving, and a little while of being lost, as we got confused by the lack of sign-age on our way to the campsite (which we later realized was just the results of Bluey's extra awesome headlights - on our second time past the huge sign...). A quick snack before bed (we were drawn in by the hypnotic powers of Burger King earlier in the evening) and we were out like lights.

Although we had vowed to get going early this morning, it was actually like 10.30am before we finally pulled out of the little campsite and back on track for the B.O.I - as we will now call the Bay of Islands - (after I had my first practice-drive of Bluey...column drive is actually not as different as I would have thought, but Boh likes driving anyways which is fine with me). After only a quick stop in Whangarei it was a surprisingly short time before we arrived in the B.O.I to find a stunning little coastal area dotted with a massive amount of hotels, motels, resorts, tourist parks, caravan rest areas - you name it, and its there (like seriously, one in two buildings on the road into town was some sort of accommodation!). After having minor explore, and checking out the comparative prices and freebies offered by all the caravan parks we have ended up in a little beach-side one with Wi-Fi internet (a big selling point). Probably should have taken a photo of Bluey in his little spot, but it's dark now so Bluey is asleep, and we are on our way there with full bellies after our first real meal since leaving Uncle Kerry and Ginny's - guess what...pasta! surprise surprise...lol. And plenty for lunch tomorrow too.

Oh yeah, another thing that we discovered yesterday which is totally awesome and I don't understand why they don't have it in Aus is this crazy place called "Pack'n'Save". IT IS INSANE. Everything is like half the price of Woolies, and it's massive, and everything is just in boxes on the shelves. Craaaazy...

Anyway, its dark, so its bedtime for us. We are thinking of going kayaking out in the Bay tomorrow cos it's only like $10. Yay!

More soon,xoxoxoxox

(picture for henry...)


  1. B.O.I looks as beautiful as ever. Warren & I took our first trip together there in the summer of '79, we camped & it was gorgeous (although we did have 6 yr.old Ryan along for the ride!) and remains one of my favorite places in the world.
    Hope you guys are creating lifelong happy memories too! miss you xxx

  2. Bluey must feel like home if you made pasta, a sure sign of normality for you guys. Love the pic of you Bohds, you look a tad confused (did someone just give you directions?) Sounds as though you are having a blast, stay safe love Bohds Mum xx

  3. hey guys henry here...
    glad to see your wearing the woolie hat proud.
    keeping your ears nice and warm i hope.
    have you put it on any strangers as of yet.
    hope your enjoying the trip you should really get the van transported back over here when your done it looks uber cool.
    well hope your enjoying it. the weathers been bloody miserable down here, bet you cant tell im not used to 4 days of straight raind. :)
    have fun and be safe.
