Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last Steps

So, we have finally taken the first step. Or maybe its the last, as this certainly wasn't the beginning. The beginning of this adventure, for me, was about, say, seven and half years ago, when I first decided that my lifelong dream ( or at least my dream up until the end of high school) was to see as much of the world as possible. This has all been gradually building up in the last few years, as the end of year 12 has actually begun to seem like a close approaching fact- not just something you've heard about. And now, IT HAS HAPPENED. And since the end of school I really have been itching to get this trip underway. But I suppose that perhaps I have gone into a little too much detail...Anyway - as you may have by now guessed - I am not attempting this adventure alone, I will in fact be travelling with Bohdi, my boyfriend, and although these posts will probably be mostly completed by me, I'm sure Boh will be looking over my shoulder and adding anything I am missing out!

Oh right, I haven't actually told you where we're headed...well the plan is to fly into Auckland, New Zealand, cruise down the north island, catch the ferry to the south island, and work our way down to Christchurch, or Queenstown, depending on how far our budget takes us. (Let me ensure you, this is probably about the tightest travel budget ever...) Along the way we will be staying with some of my hospitable rellies, possibly buying a cheap van(VERY VERY cheap...) and hopefully finding a bit of casual work to boost the funds a little. From there, our (very likely unnattainable) "plan" (more like a dream) is to head over to America to visit my brother in Portland, and - although I realise this is not just unlikely, based on our savings so far, it is VERY VERY VERY VERY unlikely - I really want to see some of Europe...don't laugh...

Well, now that you have some background, I guess that I can start where I planned to start initially...We have booked the tickets! So now there can be no more putting off, or stalling (bohdi...), or even anymore planning and stressing (may have been me...).
The scariest thing is that we are leaving in approximately three weeks and two days!
Now, I think I am doing some of this in a pretty wacky order, but I'm sure I will get better...
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know why we are keeping this blog, namely to keep our family and friends updated on where we are and what we're up to, but also so we can have a record of our adventure for ourselves. This may sound a little odd, because, well, we will be there...but having talked to my Dad about his seven years of travelling around the world, I was shocked to discover that he can't even remember some of the countries he has visited...well, I want to remember! Which is why you are now reading this. (that, and I was inspired by Issy's idea to post her travels on there you go Issy!)

Well I wont keep you any longer, but you will be hearing from us probably in about..oh...three weeks and two days...


  1. good luck tahns & boh I will be following your travels

    hug hug

  2. Missing you already, have a wonderful time and take care of each other
    Lots of love and kisses

  3. Have a great time, take care of yourselves, NZ is a beautiful country so hope you see it all. Miss you Paul (Boh's Dad)

  4. How cool you both travelling around NZ. Have an awesome adventure. I will try and send you some sunshine from up here.
    Luv & Light Paula (Boh,s Sister) xxxx
