Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Again, photos at the top...


Jaz the speed demon

Boh cruising down in Jaz's awesome "sceanie" (scarf plus a beanie!)

Boh busting a jump!!

Me finally getting the hang of it with a perfect run down the slope!

Me celebrating after said perfect run

close-up of the sceanie

me on a not-so-good run lol laughing it up

all of us at the start of the day

Tyler at the end of the day!!

us on the pier in Akaroa

Awesome car we saw in Akaroa

Sorry it's been so long in between posts everyone!
We have started to get into holiday mode, hanging out with the cousins and all. But nevertheless, here we are once more! So we are currently back in Christchurch, but since we last posted we have done quite a few things...

We took a day trip to the beautiful, french-settled, lakeside town of Akaroa with Aunty Bren, as she had the day off work, and we weren't sure what the roads would be like. But we arrived without drama, where Bren showed us around (which didnt actually take too long, it's pretty little!), and pointed out a couple of shops worth having a look at. After that we had a yummy lunch of fish'n'chips (Jaz says they're the best there), and, given the fact that we had pretty much seen the whole town, and that it was starting to get late, we headed back to Southbridge.

After another day or two of waiting out the bad weather with the family, on thursday we decided to take a quick trip down south a bit while the forecast looked good, and get back in time to avoid the weather warning for sunday (there did end up being a snow blizzard so we were lucky we did hurry back). So we headed down to Lake Tekapo, which Bren said was beautiful. And it was! As we drove in at about 4pm, the cloud had come down, and we were literally driving like, in a cloud! Plus the whole place was completely covered in snow, so it was like driving in a white bubble! We also stopped along the way at this lake which had completely frozen over, and the ice was so thick that someone had been driving on it (there were tyre tracks!). So Boh had a bit of fun sliding around on that! Unfortunately we got a tad bogged in the icy snow...but it was ok...we got out in the end! We stayed in a caravan park right on the lake shore, and next door to a snow-park/spa! We wasted no time in trying out tubing, which was wicked fun! Although we had to use up the very last scraps of cash we had, cos there was no atm in the town.
The next day it was on to have a look at Wanaka, another pretty lakeside town in the mountains, and a place that rivals Kaikoura for our favourite place in NZ! Although we would have liked to stay, we really didnt want to risk the weather, so we pushed on to Alexandra that day and stayed there for the night, as it was a step closer on our big drive home. It was a bit of a boring old town, reminded us a bit of Albany actually...haha!

So the next day was the massive drive back to Southbridge, so we decided to push our leaving time to 9:15am...sigh getting up before nine! lol. And drove all day until we got back at about 3.30pm....exciting...

Now unfortunately we have no photos of this trip down south...because about an hour into the trip we stopped to take photos...and Boh dropped my camera on the roadside. So now it has a couple of massive dents in the front, and won't turn on at all...

Which sucks.

But ah well, we have now gotten over it, and will just have to sort something out before we leave Christchurch.

Well the next thing of note we have done is *drumroll* SNOWBOARDING!!!! That was yesterday, and it was awesome. Really hard, really tiring, and relativley painful...but awesome!!! Now I'm not going to say that I'm particularly good at it...but I tried! Haha, and definately improved by the end of the day!!! (woulda been hard not to) Boh went pretty good, although he said it was a lot harder than he expected. But he picked it up pretty quick and had a really great time. Brenda managed to get us this deal for Porters Pass Ski field (one of the smaller ski areas)which included a bus from Christchurch to the mountain and back, snowboard and boot hire, a 1.5hr lesson, and a full day lift pass for $88! (Mt Hutt would have cost $140 without the bus!) So we were stoked, and so were the cousins, cos Bren decided that Jaz and Tyler could have the day off school and come too , seeing as though it was so cheap(and luckily Layla was allowed as well).

So it was a really amazing day, and sooooo worth all the pain...which is saying something...cos we are really hurting today!
So thats about all, and the photos from yesterday are up top(we took Bren's camera up with us)


  1. Hi u2. I have only one word to say to u - bbbrrrr!

  2. HI Boh & Tahnee sorry to hear about camera mishap,wow so white that snow you tend to forget,glad yu had such a great exsperience,keep warm love dad Paul xx

  3. i really miss u guys. i was thinking about bohdi and his ability and love of driniking spirits straight only last night! :)

    u guys are really living it up. and wat a sick deal wit the snowboarding. how long u gonna be over there for? i might come for a visit...

    went to perth this weekend for edie's 18th celerbrations was good catching up wit henry and his mates and edie and hers.

    love u both.
