Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jaz the speed demon
Boh cruising down in Jaz's awesome "sceanie" (scarf plus a beanie!)
Boh busting a jump!!
Me finally getting the hang of it with a perfect run down the slope!
Me celebrating after said perfect run
close-up of the sceanie
me on a not-so-good run lol laughing it up
all of us at the start of the day
Tyler at the end of the day!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Now THATS a decent sized guinea-pig!
Me and Jaz ice-skating
Jaz's rugby game
The guinea pig...(read on, and you will know what we are talking about)
The frost in Hanmer
Sharing the road with sheep
Me buried at the rock beach in Kaikoura
This cool little sculpture at the beach in Kaikoura
Bluey checking out the view in Kaikoura
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
South Island!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Warmth and Children....
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rain, Rain Go Away...
Anyway, as you may have guessed (and I suppose you guys dont see NZ on the weather maps over there, but there is the most ridiculous cloud cover over the entire North Island) it has been raining lots here! Pretty much non-stop for like three days now! Not like Denmark were it's on and off all day, literally yesterday it was rai
ning when we woke up, and it rained all day and all night, though we have had a couple of hours now without rain...WOW! lol.
So lets see, the last post was pretty hurried because the last few places we have stayed have had really expensive internet (like $2 for 15 mins), and also silly somputers with no usb drives, meaning o photos, so sorry about that. We are now sitting in Maccas (who knew - they have internet there...) and it is like half the price that we have been paying lately.
But to continue on from the last post, I guess we are at saturday...
We headed off at the usual time (10am - which is checkout time at most places), and started out on a leisurely drive around the lake for a look, had fish'n'chips for lunch, and
poor backpackers like us just can't afford a place like that! So it was around the lake to Taurangi, at the southern point of Lake Taupo, where we stumbled across a backpackers that had it's own climbing wall! Despite the fact that I was embarrassed by the fact that I am so terrible at that sort of thing, and the fact that the little monkey-spawn children in there were making me look even worse, Boh (who is actually quite a good climber) had a great two hours there before heading off for the dingiest caravan park we have stayed in yet (though we didnt know it yet). It had a real creepy feel about it, made worse by the scary owner guy (well we presume he was the owner...)who was stalking around smoking and looking scary. So that wasn't the best night...but it was ok...cos we left in the morning, not even waiting to have brekky (probably more due to then fact that our milk had gone off than anything else, but anyway...).
Now it was off to Mt Ruapehu, and, as we found out, to Mordor and Mt Doom! (Lord of the case any of you didn't know) So that was kinda awesome, because we now have photos of Mt Doom!! haha. It was pretty wild weather at this point, but we decided to check out Whakapapa Village anyway (which is right at the base of Mt Ruapehu), and then ended up driving up to the ski area, as the rain meant that the freezing level was pretty high (meaning the road was open), and....*drum roll*...Boh touched the snow for the first time!!!!!! That was super exciting says Boh, who was pretty much bouncing up and down at the time. But Bluey doesnt like the cold, so we decided to haul ass back down the mountain and regain feeling to our faces and fingers!
Then we decided to drive on to Wanganui (the town where my dad was born) which is on the west coast, and stay there before starting on down to Wellington to visit my cousin Lara and her family. So here we are in Wanganui, a riverside town/city (it's pretty big to be town...but not sure if it is a city), having stayed last night in a nice caravan park by the beach, unfortunately a night spoilt by the incredible amount of rain, so it was kinda like an extension of the ocean, or maybe just a muddy lake...Well to make up for the photo drought, heres a big bunch of the last week or so since we left Malcolm's.
P.S. Thankyou again Mal and Fiona for the blankets and Boh's Jacket - they have kept us alive these past couple cold of days!!
Huka Falls>
^Mt Doom....
^My Wristband came off!!!!!! soo sad...damn u budgie! But I got a new one that very same day at zorb!
^The incredibly smelly mud pools in Rotarua
^Boh in the SNOW!!!
^My most awesome photo ever
^The HUGE redwoods
^It may look like I'm just being a retard and doing funny stuff with my hands...but I am actually holding shards of ice out of a puddle...yeah...
^Boh reaching the heights
Friday, June 26, 2009
Biiiig Lake...
Yesterday was a big day of adventuring, starting off with a walk through the beautiful and interesting Redwood grove just outside of Rotarua, where there is an amazingly diverse tree-scape (made that one up...), due to then fact that the trees were originally planted to decide what trees would be best for timber plantations in NZ, and although some other tree won out, the Californian Redwoods have taken over the grove, and they are awesome! And HUGE!
Next on the trail was this "3D Maze" that we passed on the way into town, and mentally marked down for a closer look. Although at first glance it looked easy, the wooden castle-like construction, actually presented a real challenge! The idea was you choose from one of two start points (Boh and I decided to go separately and add a little competition to the mix), and must reach each of the four coloured corners, before exiting the maze from your original entrance. Now, the result: a grudging second to me...sigh...while Boh pulled off a miraculous win (even though I actually reached all corners first...just got a little lost on the way
So our final activity for the day was also the most anticipated...THE ZORB!!!! This futuristic sounding contraption was invented here in New Zealand, and consists of an 11 foot high plastic ball, with a smaller ball suspended inside, separated by like 2 feet of air. Now, you might be wondering what on earth they do with such a thing...well the answer is obvious...add water, up to three game thrill seekers...and roll it down a big hill...yep. Awesome. So it came down to the choice of going together down the straight track, which looked pretty tame, or going solo down the zig zag...yeeeaaaah. So clearly we opted for option two, which ended up being crazy fun! Although our most expensive splurge so far, it was definately worth it. (Unfortunatley didn't buy any of the photos cos they were major expensive!)
Finally it was back to the caravan park for a long soak in the hot pool to warm us up.
Today started off with rain, which was actually good in a way, because there is not likely to be so much ice and frost on the roads. (yesterday at the redwoods, we were astounded by an iced over puddle - sounds silly, but it was cool - which had like centimetre-thick shards of ice on top!)
Despite the bad weather, we decided to follow through on our plan to conquer the "Luge" today, which meant taking a gondola up a mountain (cant remember the name...), then jumping on some little cart type things and zooooming down again, jumping on a chairlift back to the top, and going again!!! IT WAS SOOO COOL! Very cold, very wet, and very sore hands (from holding onto the handlebars) but so worth it! We even ended up getting two FREE rides each cos these other tourists decided they had done their dash, and gave us their remaining tickets. Again, unfortunately the photos were hell expensive, but we can asure you that it was an awesome track, and great fun.
After drying off, we headed to Taupo, where we are now, gotta be quick time running out
love you all
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
This morning was a bit of a slow start - in fact it ended up lasting into the arvo, so it was just a slow day, which was nice, as we had time to sort out the van, and now we actually feel like we are finally organised in our little home! Having said a fond farewell to Uncle Malcolm and Fiona, who have been just awesome the past few days (Thanks so much guys!), we set out for Rotarua, about an hours drive from The Mount, a lakeside town famous for it's hot springs. So here we are in a little caravan park with it's own hot pools (not the stinky ones - although the whole town has that sulphur-y aroma, which is lovely...not), and back for some more nights in our little blue van, which will probably actually be a lot improved with the kind addition of a couple more blankets from Uncle Malcolm and Fiona, which will be much appreciated now that we are without the comforts of their nice warm house! Anyway, I am watching the timer on the ridiculously exopensive internet run down (I have 2 mins and 44 secs left!), so another short post, this time without even any photos as these silly computers dont have usb drives.
So the next few days will probably consist of sight seeing aroung Rotarua and Taupo, then on to Mt Ruapehu (yeah...those meanies who didn't give us jobs)...
So hopefully a more substantial post for you guys next time :)